The paper investigated management of policy implementation and implications for effective practice in public secondary schools in Anambra State, Nigeria. Three research questions were answered and a null hypothesis tested at .05 level of significance. The population was 263 principals used for the study. The 16 item instrument validated by experts while the reliability was determined using Cronbach Alpha Method. This yielded an average reliability index of 0.80. Data generated were analyzed with mean and t-test at 0.05 alphas. The findings showed that some factors may cause impediment to management of policy implementation such as inadequate teaching personnel, lack of infrastructures, paucity of learning materials, high attrition rate among teachers and so on. It was also observed that effective management of policy implantation will go a long way to improving the fortunes of prospects of secondary education in terms of a functional and creative system capable of ensuring not only sustainable development but also national cohesion and global competitiveness a t the end of the day. The conclusion of the study was that except policy implementation is effectively managed, the goals of secondary education will not be fully realized to the extent that Nigeria can favourably compete at the comity of Nations. Based on the findings of the study, the study recommended that the government should provide sufficient fund in order to recruit adequate teachers, provide enough infrastructures and learning materials. Further, teachers' welfare packages should be upgraded by the school and government for better productivity.
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